Equipment Hire, Sales & Testing
Crane Aid provide a comprehensive range of commercial solutions for your every lifting need.
Hire & Sales
Lifting Equipment Hire | Lifting Equipment Sales |
Chain Blocks, Electric Hoists, Pullifts, Hydraulic Rams & Pumps, Genie Lifts,
Girder Trolleys & Clamps, Working at Height, Digital Load Links, Chain Slings, Gas Monitors |
Chain Slings, Webbing Slings, Shackles, Eyebolts, Wire Ropes, Gas Monitors,
Working at Height ie safety harness
Test certificates are supplied with all equipment
Be it a lifting point, davit arm, lifting beam, eye bolt or other type of lifting apparatus, Crane Aid can carry out a wide range of tests
safe working load, light load or proof load test using simulated or live loads using test equipment that is subject to regular calibration
ensure accuracy.
A “thorough examination report” is issued on completion of every test for to enable clients to keep a record of LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) compliance.
Overhead Cranes